Camera Lucida / Snow Crystal
video installation

commissioned artwork for the exhibition "Conversations with Snow and Ice - observation/imagination in art and science"
[ group exhibition ]
- 2005. 11. - 2006. 1.
- "Conversations with Snow and Ice", Natural History Museum of Latvia / Riga, LATVIA
- 2008. 7. - 8.
- “Cape Farewell”, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, Tokyo / Japan
- 2009. 7. - 9.
- “Ecology and Art - Thinking About the Earth Through Art: From Nearby to Far Away”,
Gunma Museum of Art, Tatebayashi / Japan - 2009. 12. - 2010. 1.
- “Earth: Art of a changing world”, Royal Academy of Arts / London, UK
- 2013. 4 - 5.
- "Kyotographie", Saigyo-an, Kyoto / Japan

Gunma Museum of Art, Tatebayashi / Japan
English / Japanese
Commissioned by the Natural History Museum of Latvia in Riga, for the exhibition "Conversations with Snow and Ice - observation/imagination in art and science" in 2005/06, as part of a retrospective of the works of the snow and ice scientist Ukichiro Nakaya (1900-1962).
With cooperation of Nakaya Ukichiro Museum of Snow and Ice, Kaga City.
『雪と氷との対話』展(ラトビア国立自然史博物館 2005)委嘱作品。
雪氷学者・中谷宇吉郎と北大研究チームが、1930年代に北海道十勝にて観察・撮影した雪結晶の乾板写真3,000枚と、1936年、中谷博士により北大低温実験室にて製作された世界初の人工雪結晶の顕微鏡写真を素材に、高谷史郎が自作「Camera Lucida」シリーズの一環として構想し、『雪と氷との対話 ー observation/imagination in art and science』展(ラトビア、2005)にて発表。